Rabu, 14 Juli 2021

635 Companies Directory in Gas, Oil, and Energy Sector


The Directory Database of 635 Oil, Gas, Energy and Mining Companies (Update 2021) was released in the second week of July 2021 featuring the most complete database and the most comprehensive company directory related to specific information on oil, gas, energy, and mining companies in Indonesia. This directory database includes 635 oil, gas, energy and mining companies in Indonesia.

This Database Directory of 635 Oil, Gas, Energy, and Mining Companies (Update 2021) is the embodiment of Duniaindustri.com's big data service that offers added value for its users (users). This directory database of 635 Oil, Gas, Energy, and Mining Companies (Update 2021) contains the company name, complete address, telephone and fax number or cellphone number, number of workers, email, and PIC contact.

The Database Directory of 635 Oil, Gas, Energy, and Mining Companies (Update 2021) is summarized in 255 pdf pages to facilitate the download process, while the Microsoft Word version is available for offline payments. The Duniaindustri.com team also provides additional services as a complement to this directory database, in the form of company survey services, distributing questionnaires, company observation, company investigations, customize database directory, market survey research, market analysis, brand analysis. , and others.

This directory database of 635 Oil, Gas, Energy and Mining Companies (Update 2021) contains 255 pdf pages and is 1.04 MB in size. This Company Directory Database is derived from the results of big data monitoring Duniaindustri.com, limited surveys, and compilation of trusted data. The Directory Database of 635 Oil, Gas, Energy, and Mining Companies (Update 2021) is expected to be an accurate reference for marketing, company executives, business development, traders, international traders, export import traders, raw material suppliers, investors, board of directors. directors, entrepreneurs, researchers, investment bankers, strategic & corporate planners, banking creditors, or for companies that supply goods.

The Directory Database of 635 Oil, Gas, Energy, and Mining Companies (Update 2021) completes the collection of company directory databases previously presented by Duniaindustri.com. Currently there are 28 databases of specific company directory databases on duniaindustri.com, namely: 1) Directory Database of 635 Oil, Gas, Energy, and Mining Companies (Update 2021); 2) Directory Database of 393 Transportation and Telecommunication Companies in Indonesia; 3) Directory Database of 231 Hotel, Restaurant and Café Companies in Indonesia; 4) Database Directory of Building Materials Distributor in Java Island; 5) Food and Beverage Distributor Directory Database in Java-Bali Island; 6) Database Directory of 5,248 Manufacturing, Energy, Infrastructure, Construction, and Agricultural Companies; 7) Specific Directory Database of 215 Industrial Companies in East Java (Special Directory Per Region); 8) Directory Database of 368 Machinery, Various Machinery, and Electrical Machinery Industry Companies; 9) Directory Database of 641 Telecommunication, Information Technology, and Computer and Equipment Companies; 10) Database Directory of 1,001 Plantation, Livestock, Fishery, Forestry, and Timber Industry Companies; 11) Directory Database of 2,795 Energy, Infrastructure, Construction, and Industrial Companies in Indonesia; 12) Directory Database of 601 Energy, Coal, Petroleum, and Mining Companies; 13) Directory Database of 391 Port, Airport, Toll Road, and Transportation Infrastructure Companies;

Furthermore, 14) Database Directory of 448 Companies, Banks and Financing Institutions; 15) Database Directory of 460 Investment and Mutual Fund Companies; 16) Directory Database of 418 Construction Companies in Indonesia; 17) Specific Directory Database of 202 Cigarette Companies in Indonesia (Update 2020); 18) Specific Directory Database of 450 Chemical, Petrochemical, and Plastic Companies (Update 2020); 19) Specific Directory Database of 311 Cement and Building Material Companies (Update 2020); 20) Specific Directory Database of 274 Modern Retail Companies (Update 2020); 21) Specific Database Directory of 200 Cosmetic Companies (Profile of Top 10 Biggest Cosmetic Companies); 22) Directory Database of 203 Food and Beverage Companies (Product Profile and Market Share); 23) Directory Database of 364 Pharmaceutical, Drug, Medical Device Companies in Indonesia; 24) Directory Database of 845 Motor Vehicle Companies; 25) Database Directory of 935 Electronic Companies in Indonesia; 26) Database 1,452 Textile and Garment Company Directory; 27) Database 165 Directory of Steel Companies in Indonesia; 28) Data of the Largest Textile Buyer Agent and Representative Office in Indonesia.

All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users carry out the process according to the procedure, namely click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. Duniaindustri.com prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented. All research data and directory database sets are presented in full in the industry data index, which now displays 229 specific databases according to user needs.(*)

Source: click here

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